In a remarkable development, more than 650 flats have been swiftly booked under the Delhi Development Authority’s (DDA) housing scheme, which was launched on June 30, according to officials. The DDA announced that all 2-BHK flats in Dwarka were sold out within a few hours of the booking window opening on Monday, while flats in Narela and Rohini are experiencing “heavy demand” from the public.
Since the opening of the booking window at 12 noon on Monday, the DDA’s website has witnessed an overwhelming response, with the number of hits surpassing 1.3 million, as reported in the evening. The housing scheme, based on a first-come, first-serve (FCFS) basis, offers a total of 5,500 flats across all categories at various locations in Delhi.
The response from the public has been highly encouraging since the commencement of the flat booking at 12 noon on July 10. By 5:30 pm, the website had already received more than 1.1 million hits, which subsequently surged to over 1.7 million by late night, revealed a senior official.
As of 8:30 pm, over 650 flats had been booked, including 300 flats in Rohini, over 200 flats in Narela, and all 50 flats in Dwarka. Locations such as Jasola, Siraspur, and Loknayak Puram were also witnessing an encouraging response, the official added. The scheme offers 1-BHK flats in Narela, Siraspur, Rohini, and Loknayak Puram, 2-BHK flats in Narela and Dwarka, and 3-BHK flats in Jasola.
Officials stated that the DDA would issue the demand-cum-allotment letter online within 24 hours to all those who have successfully booked flats. The registration and booking process is currently underway, allowing people to conveniently book flats of their choice through the DDA’s website.
In the initial six hours, the DDA’s website experienced heavy traffic, with hits surpassing 1.1 million since the opening of the FCFS phase-IV booking. To assist the general public in booking flats smoothly, the DDA is actively working to increase the server capacity to handle the surge in traffic, officials assured.
Also Read:- DDA Housing Scheme to Offer 5,000 Flats in Jasola and Rohini